Wednesday 29 July 2015

Ptosis Surgery to Correct Drooping Upper Eyelids

When your upper eyelids get drooped, you are suggested of undergoing Ptosis surgery. Ptosis makes your eyes look tired and sleepy and reduces vision. Repair is essential to provide a more youthful, vibrant appearance as well as for improving your sight.

At The Line, Ptosis correction surgery is done by experienced, qualified eye surgeons. They will first diagnose the patient to figure the exact cause of this problem. Usually, in most people, ptosis is caused by the gradual stretching of the tissue which supports the upper lid. Involutional ptosis occurs with aging. Involutional surgery is done to correct upper eyelids by tightening the levator muscle, which finally raises the eyelid. 

Ptosis surgery is usually performed through an incision in the upper lid. Also known as upper eyelid blepharoplasty, the muscles that lift the eyelid gets weak when the eyes are opened or the skin is severely drooping by nature or as one grows older. Major procedures involve raising your eyes to make the eyes look wider. However, if problem still arises, despite double eyelid surgery, you have to have the muscles cut that lift the eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris muscle) and then it would be easier to lift it with the same force.

If you have excess skin and fat in the upper lid, it can also be corrected at the time of ptosis restoration. The Line eye surgeons are trained to carry out this surgery with utmost care and attention. Ptosis repair requires extensive experience and the surgeon needs to plan how to perform the surgery to get best results.


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